Aspartame.. erum viš aš eitra fyrir börnum okkar ?

Er aspartame eitur sem er hęgt og rólega aš drepa okkur og börnin okkar ?

Męli meš aš sem flestir sjįi heimildarmyndina .:

 (Aspartame) - Sweet Misery, A Poisoned World

 Aš nešan er tengill sem fjallar um Aspartame og hvernig žaš var leyft til notkunar ķ matvęli

Žrįtt fyrir aš FDA hafi upphaflega męlt til žess aš žaš vęri Eingöngu notaš ķ littlu magni ķ matvęli.

Ķ mörgum löndum Evrópu er BANNAŠ aš nota aspartame ķ vörur sem eru ętlašar börnum !!!! 


Is Aspartame causing some of your health problems?

There is a very simple way to ascertain whether or not this poisonous drug is causing your problem(s). Stop ALL intake of Aspartame (anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Benevia, NutraTaste) in it. READ LABELS. Have your pharmacist check all your medications, Aspartame is in many drugs. This poison is in over 9000 items including most Children's Vitamins, Children's Tylenol, Alka Seltzer, Toothpastes (my favorite source for quality toothpaste products which don't contain harmful ingredients can be found here), Metamucil etc.. Often it is only mentioned on the paper inside the carton.

Aspartame contains METHANOL, a serious metabolic poison. Your body converts it to formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and formic acid (ant sting poison) both of which attack your central nervous system and every organ of your body. / Tilvitnun endar"

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